Although there are only three major GPU manufacturers, including Nvidia, AMD, and Intel, remembering the brand and model can be difficult. However, Windows 11 makes it simple to determine the graphics card installed on your computer using the Settings app, Device Manager, Task Manager, and the DirectX Diagnostics Tool. This guide will teach you the different ways to confirm the graphics card installed on your Windows 11 computer.

Determine PC’s GPU on Windows 11

On Windows 11, you have multiple ways to determine the graphics card specifications, and the instructions below will show you how.

Check GPU from Settings

To check the GPU make, model, memory, and other info on Windows 11 use these steps:

Check GPU from Device Manager

To determine the graphics card on your computer, use these steps:

Check GPU from Task Manager

To check your computer’s GPU (brand, model, memory, driver info, etc.) from Task Manager, use these steps:

Check GPU from System Information

To check the graphics card manufacturer and other details with System Information, use these steps:

Check GPU from DirectX Diagnostic Tool

To check the GPU specifications (brand, model, memory, DAC, driver info, and more) with the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, use these steps:

Once you complete the steps, you will know the manufacturer and model of the graphics card installed on the computer. If you use Task Manager or the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, you will also be able to determine other details, such as the total amount of memory.

In addition, depending on the manufacturer, you may also find the graphics card information in the device software. If the software is installed on your computer, in Control Panel, you will find it as “Nvidia Control Panel” for Nvidia cards and as “AMD Catalyst” if the computer has an AMD card. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.