The operating system works with two types of accounts that offer different sets of rights to use the computer. An “Administrator” account has unrestricted access to the system, including the ability to change system settings, install applications, and you can even run Command Prompt elevated. On the other hand, an “Standard User” account has only the rights to run applications, change some account settings that only affect the user account, and you cannot run Command Prompt, or any other command console elevated. If you must determine the privileges available for each account on Windows 11, you can do this through the Settings app, Computer Management, Control Panel, or Command Prompt. You can even run these same commands on PowerShell. This guide will teach you four ways to check the type of account available on your installation of Windows 11.

Check if account is admin or standard on Windows 11 Check if account is admin or standard from Control Panel Check if account is admin or standard from Computer Management Check if account is admin or standard with commands

Check if account is admin or standard on Windows 11

To check if yours or other user accounts are Administrator or Standard User on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the Settings app will show you whether a specific account has admin rights.

Check if account is admin or standard from Control Panel

To determine if an account type from Control Panel on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, Control Panel will reveal whether the accounts are admin or standard.

Check if account is admin or standard from Computer Management

To find out if the accounts are Administrator or Standard User from Computer Management, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, Computer Management will show you the accounts members of the Administrators and Users groups.

Check if account is admin or standard with commands

To check the account type from Command Prompt or PowerShell on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the command will show you the account type on Windows 11. In the command, change ACCOUNT-NAME for the name of the account. This command shows the properties of a Standard User account:

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