Now there is a catch, every user has to meet a minimum requirement to claim a Google+ custom URL:

  1. Must have at least 10 followers or more.
  2. The account must have a picture profile.
  3. The Google+ account has to be at least 30 days old. For Local Google+ pages the requirement is to have the local business verified. For other Google+ pages, like website owners, the requirement is to have the website linked to the page. The bad news: It’s also important to note that users won’t be able to create their own custom vanity URL, instead Google will offer you to choose from a list of preassigned Google+ profile or page URLs. Once you choose one of the preassigned address, you may also have to add letters and/or numbers to make it universally unique. If you meet the three requirements, which I’m sure most active Google+ members already meet the criteria, go to your profile or page to begin the process and:
  4. Click the Get a custom URL button notification on top the page or profile.
  5. Choose from one of the pre-approved custom URLs and change as needed with letter and/or numbers.
  6. Accept the Term of Service.
  7. Click Change URL.
  8. Google may also ask you to verify your account using a mobile phone number. If this is your case, enter a mobile phone number, get and enter the code in the pop-up and click Verify.
  9. Once you are done, make sure everything looks correct as you CANNOT change your Google+ custom vanity URL.
  10. Click Confirm to complete.

How to change a Google+ custom URL

Like I said above, you cannot change your profile or page URL once you confirmed it, but Google does allows you to change the capitalization or accents of your vanity URL. To do this, go to your Google+ profile, click Links, and a box will pop-up letting you make the necessary changes. Source Google All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.