While this is not a feature in Google Chrome, there is one way that you can make this possible and this is by creating additional profiles — Google Chrome doesn’t ship with a profile manager either, but it is quite simple to create them manually–. And because when you have created a new profile in Google Chrome is like having a brand new installation of the web browser, this not only allows you to stay signed-in on an online service with different accounts, let’s say two different Facebook’s accounts, but also is useful when you have to share your computer with different people around the house; each profile has its own web browsing history, cookies, bookmarks, search terms and other settings, information which is not shared from profile to profile. You could be thinking: “Well, I can use a new incognito window and I could accomplish the same thing”, the answer is yes to a point, because the incognito feature in Google Chrome doesn’t save anything from the browsing session. But by creating additional profiles will be like having installed multiple independent instances of the Google Chrome. Now let’s learn! How to create additional profiles in Google Chrome

  1.  Launch Google Chrome and clear browsing data. This way you don’t transfer all your private date to the new profile.
  2.  Next step is to open Google Chrome installation folder.

For Windows Vista and Windows 7 would be:  C:\Users\Your-Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome For the good old Windows XP would be: C:\Documents and Settings\Your-Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome

Note: If you are using Windows Explorer to navigate to these locations you may not be able to see some of these folders, this is because they are hidden; How to show hidden files and folders in Microsoft Windows article will show you how to fix this. 3.  While in the Chrome folder, go inside the User Data folder, make a copy of the default folder right inside the User Data folder and rename it (e.g. Your-Name).

  1.  Now we need to initialize Google Chrome with the new profile name (the name that you have renamed the copied default folder) with all the default settings. Open the Windows’ Command Prompt and type the following:

For Windows Vista and Windows 7 would be: C:\Users\Your-Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir=”..\User Data\” -first-run For the good old Windows XP would be: C:\Documents and Settings\Your-Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir=”..\User Data\” -first-run

  1.  The new profile has now been created and it is ready. To launch Google Chrome using the newly created profile instead of the default one, you simply are going to need to create a shortcut on your desktop.

Right-click anywhere in your desktop, select New, then Shortcut. In the Windows Shortcut wizard type the following for Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\Your-Username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir=”..\User Data\” And for Windows XP type: C:\Documents and Settings\Your-Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe –user-data-dir=”..\User Data\”

Type a name for the Windows shortcut and finally click Finish.

You can now run a new independent instance of Google Chrome with a new profile and be signed-in with multiple accounts of a same online service. Lastly, like I mentioned before, this can also be useful to let other people you share the computer with to have a personalized Google Chrome experience. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.