The only caveat is that when you create a new local account, Windows 11 sets it up as a “Standard” account that is very limited to essential tasks. A user with this type of account can only change some personalization settings and run apps, and they can’t change system settings, install or uninstall apps, or manage other users. However, you can still create an administrator account. You only need to perform a few extra steps, depending on whether you have Windows 11 22H2 or 21H2. This guide will teach you different approaches to creating an administrator Windows 11 account through Settings, Command Prompt, and PowerShell.

Create local administrator account on Windows 11 22H2  Create local administrator account on Windows 11 21H2 Create local administrator account from Command Prompt on Windows 11 Create local administrator account from PowerShell on Windows 11

Create local administrator account on Windows 11 22H2

To create a local administrator account on Windows 11 22H2, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the new account will be created on Windows 11 22H2.

Enable default Administrator account

If you have to enable the default “Administrator” account instead, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the built-in Administrator account will enable on the computer.

Create local administrator account on Windows 11 21H2

To create an administrator local account on Windows 11 21H2, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the new account will appear on Windows 11 21H2.

Create local administrator account from Command Prompt on Windows 11

To create a local administrator account from Command Prompt, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the administrator account will be created on Windows 11.

In the command, change “USER-NAME” and “PASSWORD” with the credentials you want to use for the new user account. In the command, replace “USER-ACCOUNT” with the account name you want to add to the administrators’ group.

Create local administrator account from PowerShell on Windows 11

To create a local administrator account from PowerShell, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the new administrator local account will be created on Windows 11, giving the user full access to the device.

In the command, change “NEW-ACCOUNT-NAME” for the account name and “USER-FULL-NAME” for the user’s full name. Also, replace “DESCRIPTION” with the description you want to use for the account.

In the command, change NEW-ACCOUNT-NAME for the account name. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.