Microsoft Forms is a freemium service that makes it easy to create a survey with multiple-choice, text, rating, Likert, and net promoter score questions that you can invite others to respond to collect feedback from anywhere using any web browser or mobile device. The service also offers real-time results, analytics to review responses, and more. You will need a Microsoft 365 or business subscription to access the premium features, but the free version includes all the basic tools to create a form of this type. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to create a survey form to collect feedback from people using Microsoft Forms. In addition, we also look at the steps to review the participant’s responses.

How to create survey from scratch with Microsoft Forms How to create survey from template with Microsoft Forms How to review survey responses with Microsoft Forms

How to create survey from scratch with Microsoft Forms

To create a custom survey to request feedback, use these steps:  Once you complete the steps, you can paste and send the link to anyone to collect responses via email or social network. In addition, to copy the shareable link, you can get a quick response code that recipients scan with their phones to access the form. Also, there is an embed option to copy a code to embed on a web page, or you can even select the email option, which simply copies the link to the clipboard and opens the default email client to compose a message to send the survey. Create new survey form Microsoft Forms customize survey intro

Choice – adds a multiple-choice question. Text – adds a question that requires a written answer. Rating – adds a question requesting a rating, and you can use stars or numbers for symbols. Date – adds a question requesting a specific date.  Ranking – adds a question requesting to sort the answers by ranking.  Likert – adds a question that holds 5 to 7 options with choices ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Net Promoter Score – adds a question to measure customer experience by requesting users to offer a scale from 0 to 10 on something (usually recommendation). 

Customize survey question Microsoft Forms themes Microsoft Forms settings option

Accept responses. Start date. End date. Email notification of each response. Customize thank you message.

Survey options Microsoft Forms publish survey Alternatively, Microsoft Forms also offers a choice in the Settings menu to print the survey, instead of creating a link, if you prefer getting a hard copy of the survey responses. If you want to delete a form, while in Microsoft Forms, click the “All my forms” option from the bottom-right side, and then click the ellipsis menu button in the form and select the Delete option.

How to create survey from template with Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms also offers templates of surveys and another type of forms you can customize to quickly create and publish the form you need. To create a survey form with a template, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you can send the link to anyone you wish to collect their feedback.  Microsoft Forms survey template Edit survey template introduction Microsoft Forms customize template question Microsoft Forms themes

Accept responses. Start date. End date. Email notification of each response. Customize thank you message.

Survey options Microsoft Forms publish survey

How to review survey responses with Microsoft Forms

Once you published the survey, you can check the responses from within the form. To view survey responses on Microsoft Forms, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will have a better understanding of the participants, and you can use that data to improve the products or services you are providing. Microsoft Forms select survey form Microsoft Forms responses Microsoft Forms view survey results We are focusing this guide to create and publish a survey form, but Microsoft Forms also allows you to create quizzes and polls. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.