However, you can significantly speed up the process to only a few seconds using a few command lines. The only caveat is that you need to be comfortable using Command Prompt. In this guide, you will learn the fastest way to delete large folders with thousands of files using command lines and the instructions to add an option on the right-click context menu to automate the process with just one click.

Delete large folder fast using Command Prompt Delete large folder fast adding context menu option

Delete large folder fast using Command Prompt

To delete a large number of files on Windows 10 using the del and rmdir commands, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, all the files and folders in the location will delete quickly from your device. In the command, make sure to update the path to the folder you want to delete. In the command, we use the /f option to force the deletion of read-only files. The /q option enables quiet mode. The /s option executes the command for all files in any folder inside the folder you’re trying to remove. Using . tells the del command to delete every file and > nul disables the console output improving performance and speed. In the command, we use the /q switch to enable quiet mode, the /s option to run the command on all the folders, and FOLDER-NAME is the variable you need to specify to delete the folder you want.

Delete large folder fast adding context menu option

If you are not comfortable writing commands, you do not usually delete tons of files, or you are just looking for a faster way, it’s possible to add a right-click context menu option that will run a batch file for the data you want to delete. To add a context menu option that will delete files and folders extremely fast on Windows 10, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you can right-click a folder and select the Quick Delete option from the context menu to remove a large folder super fast. Windows folder Shell Registry key Command to delete folders and files fast While executing the command, you will get a security prompt that will prevent you from deleting files by accident. You can always proceed by pressing any key, using the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut, or clicking the X button to cancel the operation. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.