The Microsoft Defender Firewall is a feature that checks incoming and outgoing network traffic to allow or block traffic depending on predefined rules to protect your device from unauthorized access. Although it’s recommended to keep this feature enabled, there are many reasons to disable the firewall. For example, when you want to use another firewall solution or you have to test a network or app connection. This guide will teach you the steps to enable (and disable) the built-in firewall on Windows 10.

Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall on Windows 10 Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from Control Panel Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from Command Prompt Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from PowerShell

Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall on Windows 10

To disable the firewall on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the firewall will be disabled for the network profile you’re currently using. If you want to disable the firewall for all networks, make sure to turn off the security feature for all the profiles, including “Domain network,” “Private network,” and “Public network.”

Re-enable firewall 

To enable the firewall on Windows 10, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the Windows 10 firewall will enable again on your device.

Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from Control Panel

To disable Microsoft Defender Firewall on Windows 10 through Control Panel, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the firewall will start to protect your computer from malicious connections.

Re-enable firewall from Control Panel

To enable the firewall from Control Panel, use these steps: Alternatively, you can always click the “Use the recommended settings” button from the Microsoft Defender Firewall page.

Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from Command Prompt

To disable the Microsoft Defender Firewall with commands, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the Windows 10 firewall will be disabled for your specified network profiles.

Re-enable firewall from Command Prompt

To enable the Windows 10 firewall using Command Prompt, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the firewall will enable the network profiles you specified.

Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall from PowerShell

To disable the firewall on Windows 10 with PowerShell commands, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the Windows 10 firewall will be disabled on your device.

Re-enable firewall from PowerShell

To enable the Windows 10 firewall with PowerShell commands, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the firewall will allow or deny network access depending on the configured rules.

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