The “Notifications” feature is a system that permits apps, websites, and Windows to show pop-ups on the desktops to alert you about new messages, articles, alarms, and system actions you may need to take. However, if you are getting overwhelmed with toast pop-ups and sounds, Windows 11 lets you disable notifications in several ways. In this guide, you will learn the steps to enable and disable notifications on Windows 11.

Disable notifications on Windows 11 Disable notifications per app on Windows 11 Disable notifications with Registry on Windows 11 Enable notifications on Windows 11 Enable notifications per app on Windows 11 Enable notifications with Registry on Windows 11

Disable notifications on Windows 11

To disable all system and apps notifications on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, apps and the system will stop showing notifications on the desktop.

Although this option disables notifications for the entire system, some applications have their own notifications system. If this is the case, you will have to change the settings of the app.

Disable notifications per app on Windows 11

To turn off notifications for a specific app, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the app will stop showing notifications, but notifications will continue to be available for system alerts and other apps.

Alternatively, you can also disable notifications for a specific app by using the Windows key + N keyboard shortcut or clicking the time and date icon in the notification area. In Notification Center, click the menu (three-dotted) button on the top-right and select the “Turn off all notifications for” option. If you see a toast pop-up, you can click the menu (three-dotted) button on the top-right and select the “Turn off all notifications for” option.

Disable notifications with Registry on Windows 11

To disable the Windows 11 notifications with the Registry, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the notifications feature on Windows 11 will turn off.

Enable notifications on Windows 11

To enable notifications on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, toast notifications will resume on the desktop.

Enable notifications per app on Windows 11

To turn on notifications per application, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the app will send toast notifications and sounds again.

Enable notifications with Registry on Windows 11

To use the Registry to enable system and apps notifications on Windows 11, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the Registry setting will apply, and notifications will start working again.

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