While working on a project typically users keep multiple tabs in the same window and they switch between them as needed. The same idea is what Microsoft is envisioning with Sets, but with the difference that tabs will extend to all applications. For example, using this tab experience, you can start working on a Word document, while looking into additional content you bring to your project from OneNote or a web page using the same window. Although Sets a useful feature, it might not be something for everyone. If you don’t to have tabs in apps, Windows 10 includes an option to disable it in the Settings app. In this guide, we’ll learn the steps to disable Sets (tabs for apps and websites) on Windows 10.

How to disable Sets using Settings on Windows 10 How to disable Sets using Group Policy on Windows 10

How to disable Sets using Settings on Windows 10

If you don’t find Sets a useful feature, you can disable the experience using the settings, but this only on Windows 10 build 17661 or earlier.  Once you’ve completed the steps, tabs in apps will be disabled, and you’ll be back into the more traditional experience without the ability to group related windows. Disable Tabs in apps (Sets) on Windows 10 If you don’t see the “Tabs in apps” section in the Settings app, then you don’t have Sets in your installation.

How to disable Sets using Group Policy on Windows 10

Starting Windows 10 build 17666, you can no longer disable or enable Sets using the Settings app, instead you need to use the Local Group Policy editor on Windows 10 Pro. After completing the steps, restart your computer to apply the settings and disable Sets on Windows 10. Sets Policies on Windows 10 Local Group Policy Turn off Sets using policy This feature is currently in the early days available only to a small set of users starting with Windows 10 build 17063, and it’s a new experience expected to arrive before the end of 2018. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.