To let participants of the Windows Insider Program get hands on with the new development builds, Microsoft has separated both developments into their own branch, 19H1 for the 19H1_RELEASE branch and 19H2 for the 19H2_PRERELEASE branch. In the future, devices enrolled in the Fast ring will continue to get builds for the Windows 10 April 2019 Update, and those who choose the “Skip Ahead” option in the Fast ring will receive builds for the Windows 10 19H2 (October 2019 Update) and apps updates. The only problem is that there is a small window to join the Skip Ahead breach, and if you haven’t change your settings, you’ll have to wait until the April 2019 Update releases to get builds for the next major update. However, you can make some Registry changes on Windows 10 to get builds even after Skip Ahead is closed. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to modify the Registry to receive Skip Ahead builds for the Windows 10 19H2 update.

How to download Windows 10 builds after Skip Ahead is closed

If your device is already part of the Windows Insider Program and you missed the window to join Skip Ahead, use these steps to modify the Registry to receive Windows 10 version 1909 previews: Once you’ve completed the steps, open the Windows Update settings and check for updates, and now the latest Skip Ahead build should start downloading. UIContentType string UIRing string ContentType string Ring string You can verify the settings going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program, and you should see that your device is now enrolled in the Fast ring Skip Ahead.  If you want to stop receiving Skip Ahead builds, you can change the settings in the Windows Insider Program page, but it may require to reinstall Windows 10 and rejoin the program. It’s worth noting that builds from the Skip Ahead are in the early stages of the development, so they may be rough, and you should expect more bugs and things not working like usual. Update February 18, 2019: This guide has been updated to make sure the instructions are up-to-date. Thanks Luciano for submitting correction. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.