We have been hearing a lot lately about the new “Do Not Track” feature in web browsers, in particular from IE10, where Microsoft has taken a different approach by enabling the stop tracking feature by default when users are installing Windows 8. This move has been controversial, because there has been a lot of talks about if DNT should be turned on by default. In an attempt to fight back Apache — one of the most common web server software — has modified its default setting’s file to ignore completely this signal when is requested by Internet Explorer 10. But now Google is about to get in the same wagon, however it seems that in the Chrome web browser  the feature will be disabled by default and it will be up to the user who wishes not to be tracked — which makes sense for a company where knowing about users is in its DNA.


To enable “Do Not Track” or DNT is really easy, the option isn’t buried or anything like that. Go to the settings page, chrome://chrome/settings/, then click in the Show advanced settings link, and under Privacy, simply check the last option “Send a ‘Do Not Track’ request with your browsing traffic”. And that’s pretty much it.

Now with DNT on online advertisers and certain other third-party will not be able to track your behavior online. But it still unclear how this is going to affect advertising.

You’ll now be wondering in which version of Chrome this feature will be available. Well, at this moment in the latest unstable Canary version is the one that contains the feature. But it should be out for everyone in version 22. Source Arstechnica All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.