Night mode is a feature that adjusts the display on your device to reduce eye strain and help you improve your quality sleep at night. It does this by reducing the amount of blue your screen emits that can disrupt your sleep patterns. If you’re a Windows user, for a long time, we had an app called f.lux that works in the same way. Apple has even added the same concept with a feature called Night Shift.

How to use Night mode on Android 7.0 Nougat

The feature first appeared during the pre-release versions of Android 7.0 Nougat, but for whatever reason, Google decided to keep it hidden — even from the main System UI Tuner menu — in the final release. However, there is a little app called Night Mode Enabler from Google Play Store, you get the feature on your Nexus phone or tablet. When you do that, a new System UI Tuner menu will open where you can turn on Night mode. You can also choose whether you want the feature to work automatically depending on your location or time of day. In addition, there are two more options that let you control tint and brightness on the screen when the feature is enabled.

Once you enabled the feature on your device, you can turn on Night mode by doing the following: What do you think about the Night Mode feature? Will you be using it on your Android device? Tell us in the comments below.

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