If the browser detects that the password you’re trying to use is in the database of compromised passwords, it’ll advise you to change it to a different one.  The new feature should sound familiar because Google already has a Password Checkup extension that offers the same functionality. However, the feature is now part of the browser, and you don’t need to install a separate extension. Password Leak Detection is currently in development, but you can enable it manually using the Chrome advanced settings. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to enable the password leak detection in the latest version of Chrome.

How to enable password leak detection in Chrome

To enable password leak detection in Chrome, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the web browser will be able to detect and alert you if any of your login information have been part of a data breach.  Enable Password Leak Detection in Chrome If the password is known by Google that has been compromised, make sure to change it on all the accounts you may be using it. While we’re focusing this guide on Windows 10, Tab Hover Cards are also available for macOS, ChromeOS, and Linux. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.