Extracting Wallpapers from a Windows 7 Theme

  1.  When you download or create a Windows 7 Theme the installation file would be theme-name.themepack. Knowing that the first thing you are going to do is to right-click the theme-name.themepack, select Rename, and change the extension name from .themepack to .zip. When you are asked that if you change the extension, the file might become unusable, just click Yes. Note: If you cannot see the file extension, we got you covered with this article How to show file extension in Windows
  2.  Open the theme-name.zip file with Microsoft Windows zip feature or with any zip application that you like to use. Once open, inside you will see all the files that make up a Windows 7 Theme along with all the wallpapers, from here you can now select all the .jpg, .png or any other image file extension and extract them to any folder you want.

There is another way to get the wallpapers, and that is if you already installed a Windows 7 Theme you can just locate them in the theme installation folder.

  1.  Right-click on the Windows 7 desktop, select Personalize, and click on Desktop Background.

  2.  Where all the wallpapers are displayed, right at the top of the box there is path, this is the path to where all the wallpapers are located; to copy it right-click on it and select Properties.

  3.  In the General tab select and copy the path in the location: field, right-click the selection and choose Copy.

  4.  Next, open the Run command by using the shortcut  Win Key + R, paste the path and press Enter.

The folder with all the wallpapers will open and you can copy them anywhere you like. That easy! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.