When you see a system error E203 (in my case was error E203 0000080F 80073CF6, but your message can vary depending on the situation), it means that a software update didn’t install successfully. You can try to resolve this issue in three different ways, you can try to do an offline system update or reset your Xbox One keeping you games and apps or removing everything. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to troubleshoot and the error E203 on your Xbox One console.

How to install Xbox One Offline System Update (OSU) How to reset Xbox One if something went wrong How to restore Xbox One to factory settings

How to install Xbox One Offline System Update (OSU)

The Xbox One Offline System Update is a process that let you install a system update to the console without an internet connection using a USB flash drive. And to complete this task, you’ll need a PC and a USB flash drive with at least 4GB of storage formatted as NTFS.

1. Download the Offline System Update file (OSU1)

2. Install Offline System Update using the Xbox Startup Troubleshooter

Once the update completes, the console will restart and automatically load the home screen. Keep in mind that the restart may take several minutes. Also remember to reconnect the network cable, if you unplugged it while troubleshooting the console.

How to reset Xbox One if something went wrong

If you’re still getting the “Something went wrong” message when you start your Xbox One with the system error message E203, then your best path could be doing a system reset. This option will reinstall the operating system (Windows 10) again from scratch on your console without deleting apps, games, or settings.

Once the console resets successfully, you’ll need to complete the setup as if you were turning on the console for the first time. This means that you’ll also be prompted to enter your Wi-Fi and Xbox Live account credentials (if applicable).

How to restore Xbox One to factory settings

Resetting your console should fix any problem in most scenarios, but if this isn’t your case, you’ll probably need to restore your console to factory settings. Restoring your Xbox One to factory settings means that all the accounts, saved games, settings, and everything else will be deleted from your console. Anything that couldn’t be saved to your Xbox Live account will be lot. You shouldn’t use this option, unless you’re certain that it’s the last resort. After your Xbox One restore to the factory default settings successfully, you’ll need to complete the setup as if you were turning on the console for the first time.

Wrapping things up

These troubleshooting instructions should work in most (if not all) E203 system error codes. In my case, trying to do an offline update didn’t work, but resetting the console while keeping games and apps worked perfectly. If everything fails, you should contact Microsoft support to have your Xbox One or Xbox One S console repaired. Did these instructions fix your Xbox One console? Tell us in the comments below. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.