The only thing you need to do is to add the proper account information on the People app and the rest is automatic. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to sync your Gmail, iCloud, and Exchange contacts to the People app on Windows 10.

How to import contacts to People app

Make sure after completing the steps to check the list of accounts to see if your Gmail, iCloud, or Exchange account is syncing. Sometimes, you may need to redo the process for the People app to properly sync your contacts. People app settings page Gmail login information on People app Account name

Syncing only contacts, not emails or calendar

This process will not only import your contacts to your computer, but it will also setup your email account with the Mail app. If you don’t want that to happen, you need to do the following. Keep in mind that importing your contacts to the People app is a process you’ll do per computer — these settings do not roam between devices. Manage mailbox sync settings on Windows 10 Email account sync options on Windows 10 Finally, if you don’t use the People app, you should consider start using it, as syncing your contacts to Windows 10 will make easier to send SMS text messages using Cortana without having to reach for your phone. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.