In addition, the command also installs the latest Ubuntu distro by default. If you prefer another distribution of Linux, you can append an option in the command to install any of the supported distros. Alongside the new quick and easy process, you will also find another way to make it easier to update the kernel with only one command. This guide will teach you the easy steps to install the WSL platform on your computer. In addition, we will outline the steps to update the Linux kernel on Windows 11.

Install WSL on Windows 11 Install WSL with specific distro on Windows 11 Update WSL kernel on Windows 11 Install WSL from Microsoft Store

Install WSL on Windows 11

To install WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows 11 from Command Prompt, use these steps: After you complete the steps, the required Linux components will install automatically on Windows 11 and the latest version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

Install WSL with specific distro on Windows 11

If you prefer another flavor of Linux, the WSL2 command includes an option to view and select a different distro. To install WSL with a specific distro on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 components will install along with the distro of Linux you specified. 

In the command, remember to replace “DISTRO-NAME” with the name of the distro you want to install, such as Debian.

Update WSL kernel on Windows 11

To update the WSL kernel from Command Prompt, use these steps: After you complete the steps, if an update is available, it will download and install on your computer.

Install WSL from Microsoft Store

You can also download all the components wrapped into an app from the Microsoft Store. The benefit of using this approach is that feature will run isolated from Windows 11, and updates will be available through the Microsoft Store without waiting for the next version of the operating system to install the newest version. To install WSL from the Microsoft Store, use these steps:

1. Enable Virtual Machine Platform

After completing the steps, you can download the app from the Microsoft Store.

2. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux app

3. Install Linux distro

Once you complete the steps, WSL will install on Windows 11, including the support for Linux GUI apps and the Linux distribution.

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