If you recently switched to this experience on your Android phone, you can use the app drawer or home screen to access the settings to customize various aspects of the app, including wallpaper, theme, search, gestures, and many other features. In this guide, you will learn two quick ways to open the Microsoft Launcher settings on your Android phone.

Open Microsoft Launcher settings

There are at least two ways to access the Microsoft Launcher settings, but they are not immediately obvious.

Method 1: from app drawer

To access the app settings page from the app drawer, use these steps:

Method 2: from home screen

To open the Launcher settings from the home screen, use these steps: Microsoft Launcher settings button Once you use one of these available methods, you will access the Microsoft Launcher settings where you will be able to customize various aspects of the experience. Android homescreen Launcher Settings If you are just getting started with the Microsoft Launcher, check this guide to find out the best customization settings you can use. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.