Follow the next steps to open pinned websites in the desktop version of Internet Explorer:

  1. Even though there are two versions of IE (desktop and Metro) in Windows 8, both share a common place to configure settings, and they are all located in the Internet Options. In the Start Screen type: Internet Options, click Settings below the search box, and from the left click Internet Options.

  2. From the Internet Options navigate to the Programs tab, and check the option “Open Internet Explorer tiles on the desktop”. Then click Apply and OK.

That’s it, now every time you pin a new web page to the Start Screen and you try to open it, it will launch in the desktop version of Internet Explorer.

Bonus: How to pin a web page to the Start Screen

Pinning (or bookmarking) a web page to the Windows 8 Start Screen is pretty simple, just visit the web page, click the pin button and select Pin to Start.

From the Desktop version of Internet Explorer. Open a new tab, right-click the site and select Add site to the Start Menu.

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