While the “browser VPN” seems like a good take on other companies that offer similar benefits for a price, there is a big security problem. Opera’s VPN exposes data that should be encrypted to keep you anonymous on the web, such as your private and public IP address information. You can verify this issue by enabling Opera’s browser VPN feature and visiting the WebRTC IP leak tester. In the page, you will notice that your local IP address and the one assigned from your ISP are exposed for anyone to see with the right tools, which makes the connection less private. Fortunately, there is a rather quick solution for Opera VPN problem — Just follow the step below.

How to stop leaking your IP address info using Opera VPN 

You can once again go to WebRTC IP Leak tester and test again and you will now see that neither your local IP address nor your public IP address are longer exposed since WebRTC is being blocked by the extension.

By blocking WebRTC you will make your connection more private, and this is perhaps one of the reasons many users have been reporting that the browser VPN built into Opera doesn’t work to access video streaming services, such as Hulu or Netflix. It’s important to note that is not a bug, most web browsers like Chrome and Firefox exposes your IP address information when an STUN request is made through WebRTC. Nonetheless, browser VPN for Opera it’s still on development, and the IP address information leak is a known issue that may get fixed later on. In the meantime, this workaround should keep your IP address information more private. Source Lifehacker All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.