Yes, you suppose to proactively check your Junk Email folder for important messages, but if you receive a lot of emails every day, it’s easy to forget. Also, sometimes, you’ll check and move them to your inbox, but it seems that Outlook doesn’t learn, and keeps sending future emails from the same senders to the junk folder. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to manage the junk email settings to prevent safe emails from ending up in the Junk Email folder in the web version of Outlook.

How to stop emails going to Junk Email folder

To stop important emails from going to the Junk Email folder in Outlook, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the next time someone sends you a message using one the email addresses you specified, it will arrive in the inbox rather than in the Junk Email folder. settings menu Although we’re focusing this guide on the web version of Outlook, these steps will work to manage emails on any application you may be using to use the service, including Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, and other email clients. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.