The problem is that when the theme changes settings that you do not want. For example, my primary PC features a retina display, because all the elements on the screen look very small natively, I have to change the Windows DPI settings and I have to make the mouse cursor a bigger than usual. However, every time I install a new theme, the mouse settings are reset to its default size. It’s not a big deal, but it becomes annoying over time. If you have specific settings for your mouse cursor, you can prevent a Windows Theme from changing the current cursor settings by simply modifying the a key in the Windows Registry. This guide will walk through the steps to to change the modify the Registry on Windows, so everytime you install a new theme the mouse cursor settings won’t change.

How to stop a Windows Theme from changing mouse cursor size

That’s all you have to do. This will disable themes from changing the mouse pointer settings.

You will also notice the ThemeChangeDesktopIcons DWORD key. This particular key hold the setting to allow or prevent a theme from changing desktop icons, if the theme features a set of new icons. However, the Windows Themes you download from Microsoft aren’t likely to feature new set of icons, so you probably don’t need to modify this setting. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.