In recent preview builds available through the Dev Channel, a warning that reads “System requirements not met” appears as a watermark in the bottom-right corner of the screen and the Settings app, under the hero controls. If you see these messages on Windows 11, it’s possible to remove the watermark and the reminder in the Settings app by modifying a specific key in the Registry spotted by Deskmodder. In this guide, you will learn the steps to remove the watermark and Settings alert that appears on unsupported hardware running Windows 11.

Remove unsupported watermark reminder on Windows 11

To remove the “System requirements not met” watermark, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the watermark in the bottom-right corner and the same message in the Settings app will be gone from Windows 11, even after restarting the computer. However, this should be considered a temporary fix, as Microsoft can always update the settings during an update.

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