Whatever the reason it might be, you can always use File Explorer to find and access devices in the network quickly.  This guide will teach you the easy steps to quickly find other computers connected to a local network on Windows 10.

Find computers in network using File Explorer Enable network discovery on Windows 10

Find computers in network using File Explorer

To find computers in the network on Windows 10, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, you will be able to access the device. However, you will only be able to access the shared resources as long as the remote device has the same account and password. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to authenticate using an administrator account username and password available on the remote computer to access it.

Enable network discovery on Windows 10

If you can’t see any computer in the network, it’s probably because network discovery is disabled. To enable network discovery on Windows 10, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you should now be able to see the devices in the network.

Enable network discovery using Control Panel

To enable network discovery through Control Panel, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you should now be able to find other computers in the local network.

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