If you don’t assign a static IP address, the services FreeNAS provides to other devices will eventually stop working. This is because, by default, connected devices use dynamic IP addresses assigned by the DHCP server (usually your router), which can change as soon as you restart the server or after the dynamically assigned configuration expires. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to set a static IP address configuration on FreeNAS version 11.2 or higher. (You can use these steps to set an static IP on Windows 10.)

How to assign static IP address using FreeNAS console How to assign static IP address using FreeNAS web interface

How to assign static IP address using FreeNAS console

Use these steps to set a static IP address on FreeNAS using the console: Once you complete the steps, you can now connect to the FreeNAS server using the new static IP address. FreeNAS static IP configuration using console

How to assign static IP address using FreeNAS web interface

Use these steps to set a static IP address on FreeNAS using the web interface: After you complete the steps, make sure to refresh the FreeNAS web interface using the new static IP address. FreeNAS IP network interface settings Set static IP address on FreeNAS Save static IP settings on FreeNAS If you’re updating the network configuration, never remove the interface as you’ll lose the connection with the server, and you’ll need to configure it again from the FreeNAS command console. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.