Although when you connect a computer to a network, the DHCP server (home router) will provide the necessary settings to connect to the network, they’re dynamic (automatic) settings that can change as soon as you restart your machine or the lease on the configuration expires. When this happens, services may stop working for network users. A statically assigned IP configuration never changes and reduces the chances of problems with network services. On Windows 10, there are many ways to set a static IP address, but starting with version 1903, May 2019 Update, you can update the network settings for Ethernet as well as for Wi-Fi adapters using the Settings app. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to assign a static IP address (version 4) using nothing more than the Settings app on Windows 10.

How to assign static IP address for Ethernet adapter using Settings How to assign static IP address for Wi-Fi adapter using Settings How to check IP address is static or dynamic assignment using Settings

How to assign static IP address for Ethernet adapter using Settings

To set up a static IP address configuration for an Ethernet (wire) adapter using the Settings app, use these steps: Once you’ve completed the steps, your computer will start using the static TCP/IP configuration that you specified. Ethernet connections on Windows 10 Ethernet IP settings on Windows 10 Change from dynamic to static IP address settings Assign static IP address using Settings on Windows 10

How to assign static IP address for Wi-Fi adapter using Settings

To set up a static IP address configuration for a Wi-Fi (wireless) adapter using the Settings app, use these steps: After completing the steps, the manual configuration will not change even if there’s a DHCP server leasing IP addresses in the network. Wi-Fi connection settings on Windows 10 Wi-Fi IP settings on Windows 10 Change from dynamic to static IP address settings Wi-Fi static IP address configuration on Windows 10

How to check if the IP address is static or dynamic assignment using Settings

To check if you configured the settings correctly, or to tell if your device is using static or dynamic settings, use these steps: Once you’ve completed the steps, you will know if your computer has been configured correctly. IP assignment settings on Windows 10 Whatever you’re configuring, an Ethernet or Wi-Fi adapter, it’s recommended to assign an IP address within the network range and outside of the DHCP server scope to allow proper connectivity and avoid address conflicts, because if two devices share the same IP address neither of them will be able to connect to the internet. If you don’t see the option to edit the networking settings, it’s likely because you’re not using the version of Windows 10 that supports this feature. The ability to set a static IP address configuration for Ethernet adapters is available starting with the May 2019 Update and later versions. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.