In the operating system’s original release, Microsoft was more aggressive in keeping you away from making another browser the system default. However, after many complaints, the company reverted the changes and introduced a new option in the “Default apps” settings page that makes it easier to ditch Microsoft Edge as your default browser. When you use the option, the system makes the new browser the default for .htm, .html, HTTP, and HTTPS, which are the primary protocols to access the web. However, it’s not perfect since Microsoft Edge will continue to be the default for other protocols, including “.pdf,” “.svg,” “.xhtml,” and “FTP.” This guide will teach you the steps to change the default browser on Windows 11.

Change default browser on Windows 11 to Chrome

To make Google Chrome the default browser on Windows 11, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, Chrome or Firefox will become the new default browser. However, it won’t be the default for everything. Things like web results using Windows Search and links from the Widgets dashboard will continue to open with Microsoft Edge using Bing.

Although this guide is specific to Chrome and Firefox users, the same instructions will work for any web browser, including Opera, Safari, Brave, etc. If you install Firefox outside the Microsoft Store, the app will prompt you to make it the new default. When you click the button to switch, the action will set Firefox as the new default for “.HTM,” “.HTML,” “HTTP,” and “HTTPS” file types. However, if you install the browser from the Microsoft Store, you won’t get the option. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.