Since the passwords are synced to the cloud, you can also access them across devices, including your phone using the Microsoft Authenticator app on Android or iOS, or on other devices running Windows 10 using the Microsoft Edge built-in password manager. The new autofill extension is currently available as beta through the Chrome Web Store, and alongside syncing your passwords on Chrome, you can also view your saved passwords, import data from file, and even clear all saved information. In this guide, you will learn the steps to install and manage passwords with the Microsoft Autofill extension on Google Chrome.

How to install Microsoft Autofill extension on Chrome How to manage passwords with Microsoft Autofill on Chrome

How to install Microsoft Autofill extension on Chrome

To download and install the Microsoft Autofill extension on Chrome, use these steps: Once you complete the steps, the extension will sync the saved passwords already in your Microsoft account to Google Chrome, then the extension will fill your credentials automatically on sites you visit. If you are signing in the for the first time, Microsoft Autofill will prompt you to save the password in your account. Microsoft Autofill for Chrome Microsoft Autofill setup

How to manage passwords with Microsoft Autofill on Chrome

To use manage saved passwords with Microsoft Autofill, use these steps: After you complete the steps, you will be able to view and delete saved passwords. Also, in the left navigation pane, you will find the “Settings” page, which houses a few options, including one to import passwords to the manager from an CSV file, or you can use the “Clear” data option to delete all the saved passwords from your Microsoft account. Microsoft Autofill manage passwords Chrome password manager All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.