However, if you have an account, you can quickly create and share an entire calendar that other people can see online, Outlook, or in the Calendar app for Windows 10 to keep everyone informed on every upcoming event. The only caveat is that you can’t create and share a calendar using Outlook or the Calendar app on Windows 10. Instead, you must use to do this task, which then will sync across devices and to everyone you shared the calendar with. In this guide, you’ll learn the steps to create and share a calendar on, which you can then manage on Windows 10.

How to share an Outlook calendar with other people

Once you completed the steps, each member will receive an invitation in their inbox, which they need to open and click the Accept button. Then you can simply add a new event like you normally do and then it’ll automatically appear in their calendar without additional steps. However, remember to select the correct shared calendar from the drop-down menu so every else can see it. Create Secondary calendar Choose a name for new calendar Select a calendar to share Select person to share the new calendar Person calendar permission Keep in mind that after you created and shared a calendar, it will become available on any app you’re signed in. This means that you don’t necessarily have to use every time you need to create a new event you want to share, if you use the Outlook or Calendar app on Windows 10. If you no longer want to share a calendar with an specific person, you can always: Do you find this feature useful? Tell us in the comment below. Remove person from shared calendar All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.