Let’s get right to it.

  1.  Download and install FileZilla — choose the client version –.
  2.  Now you need start FileZilla and create a FTP site profile, this way you don’t have to enter all the information to connect to site every time. To do that from the file-menu, click on File, and select Site manager…

  3.  Click the New Site button to create a new FTP site profile.

  4.  In this section you are going to need to enter your WordPress FTP information to connect — this information can be found in your Web hosting dashboard or you can contact your Web host provider and ask them to provide the information –, for a basic connection you are going to need:

Host in here you will normally type your domain name: site.com, site.org, site.net, etc. Very important Port number, leave it black if the server is using the default port (21). In Server type leave the default FTP – File Transfer Protocol. For Logon Type select Normal. And then your normal FTP user and password.

  1.  After you complete filling out the information, click Connect to test the connection and to save the settings. Tip: The easiest way to connect after you saved all the WordPress FTP settings is to just simply click the server icon in the top-left corner of the FileZilla window, under File and select the site you wish to connect to.

Congratulations, now you are connected to your WordPress site via FTP, now to the even easier part: Upload and download files. After you are connected, it is pretty easy to swap files, as you can see in the image below, once you have established the connection to your remote site, you will be presented with a left-side, which is the local site (your computer) and the right-side which will be the remote site (your WordPress site). In each side you have 2 parts: The top pane is where you have the folder structure and in the bottom pane is where you will be able to see and access files and folders. To upload and download a file to the remote site do the following:

  1.  From the left-side browse and find the file, next before uploading, in the right-side (remote site) bottom pane browse to the location where you what to upload the file.
  2.  Now back in the left-side bottom pane, double-click or right-click the file or folder and select Upload to finish. To download a file or folder is the same process, but instead of selecting Upload from the left-side, you will select a file or folder from the right-side, double-click or right-click and select Download. Remember that you can upload or download more than one file or folder at a time with FileZilla.


And that is how you upload or download files from WordPress using FileZilla. Last thing, when you are done, you don’t need to do anything else but close FileZilla to terminate the WordPress FTP connection. It is always good to hear what other software utilities people are using, if you have another way or tool to connect to WordPress let us know by leaving a comment in the section below. Thanks! All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.