This is because Microsoft has temporarily stop pushing the updates for those running the preview, which means that those customers must first downgrade the operating system, before trying to install the latest Lumia Cyan update. Apparently there is a problem were phones lockup when having Windows Phone 8.1 Preview and BitLocker (encryption feature) enabled. According to Microsoft, the company has temporarily stop rolling out the update until a solution is in place. Here is the Microsoft statement on this issue, but it didn’t say when a fix will release: It’s important to note that the case of Lumia 1520 is just an example and this is a software issue that affect every phone compatible with the Lumia Cyan update that is running the preview software and BitLocker is enabled. With all that said, if you wish to update to the latest Lumia Cyan, which also brings Widows Phone 8.1, you’ll have to downgrade your phone operating system to Windows Phone 8.0 first.


  1. Unlock your Windows Phone and tap on Settings and Phone Update.
  2. To install the updates available, tap the notification message, and the follow the steps shown in your phone.
  3. Now sit and wait until the update installs… This could take from 15-30 minutes, however a big update like the Lumia Cyan could take up to 2 hours to complete depending on the phone. It’s recommended to install the update during off hours, where you know, you won’t be using the phone.
  4. Repeat the first step to make sure your phone is fully updated. After the recovery process completes, you can go ahead and try to update your Lumia 1020 from AT&T or other compatible phone. Source WPCentral All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.