Metro Home widget for Windows is really easy to use, it is portable, customizable — to a point –, and it has a dynamic interface. With this widget you can display time and date, local weather, and four days forecast. It also comes with a small picture frame or image slideshow; at the moment you cannot set the path to your pictures from the settings, but you can easily go to the folder path Metro-Home-folder\Widgets\WeatherClock\Pictures and drop all the picture you like. And all of this is displayed in tiles just like Windows Phone 7. There is not installation required, just download the widget from the link below, extract the content to an empty folder, and double-click MetroHome.exe, and you are good to go! In customization you are able to:

Change the color theme to any color you like. Choose a weather provider and refresh rate. Slideshow time interval. Temperature and time format. You can set your location. Size the widget to fit your desktop.

In other to use Metro Home widget you should have a computer running Windows Vista or Windows 7 either 32 or 64-bit operating system version, an internet connection, and you should have installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4. Overall there is no  much to say about Metro Home widget other that it works well, it is great widget for Windows desktop, and it looks good and clean.

Download HTC Metro Home Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4

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