Prior leaked even showed the NT kernel bumped up to version 6.3 indicating that this is a big update. Now it seems Blue is taking shape as new screenshot from Win8china for Windows Blue build 9319 reveals that Internet Explorer 11 will be part in the forthcoming major Windows 8 update, showing a little more on what to expect in the new yearly Microsoft update. Although, the new image clearly show that indeed Microsoft will include IE11 with Blue, there aren’t any noticeable changes in the user-interface at this moment. At this point there isn’t much data about IE11 more than the screenshot. However, according to Win8china a Windows Blue preview version is likely to be released for everyone to try on a few months as a “Milestone Preview” and not as Milestone 2 (M2). Also it is also possible that Microsoft will introduce Blue in new smaller devices (7-8″) later this summer. Microsoft plan is to release a major feature-pack update every year, Windows Blue will be the first to accomplish this goal. The update will not only favor Windows 8, but this is also a wave of updates for Windows Phone, Windows Server and Windows Services such as SkyDrive and, but they will not be released simultaneously. Source Win8china link one and two via Twitter  (@Windows4Live) and The Verge All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.