The first thing we can expect in the next version of IE is a new look, and indeed, the browser will look a lot different from how it looks today. First, IE 12 will have a more flat modern design and it will look to what is described as a cross between Firefox and Chrome. Tabs will be located in the far left of the window and each opened link will have a rectangle tab. The URL bar now will be re-located to the bottom of the tabs, unlike IE 11 that shows the address bar in the top-left side of the screen. There will be a back, forward, and refresh button next to the address bar much like Google Chrome too. So, basically Microsoft is taking a page from Google’s playbook to make its next web browser, but of course, it have the unique Microsoft’s flat and modern look. Finally, and perhaps the most important change is that Internet Explorer 12 will support extensions like Chrome. Internet Explorer 11 currently supports some sort of plugins, but the implementation isn’t like Google Chrome or Firefox and their stores. Extensions support in Internet Explorer 12 is both an exciting addition, but it’s also a controversial implementation as many users fear of security risks that this involves. But in the end, in my honest opinion, extensions are necessary, they can be very useful when well implemented. Although, Microsoft is planning to release Windows 9 Technical Preview at the end of September, it’s unlikely that Internet Explorer 12 with the new look and extension will part be of the release. Source Neowin All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.