Users who are running Windows 7, Windows Vista and even Windows XP will benefit from this new change. And  initially users will be updated to the latest version of IE9. Automatic upgrades will also help Microsoft to finally get rid of Internet Explorer 6, which its usage still at 8.3% worldwide, and to keep users safer from online threats (e.g., socially engineered malware), which typically affect more outdated software. Starting next month, January 2012, Windows users in Australia and Brazil are going to be the first ones on getting automatic upgrades to the latest version of Internet Explorer, and gradually the feature will be rolled out throughout the world — still not words when the new update changes are going to come to the States –. The company also commented that this will shrink to 1% the usage of IE6, which means that this will hopefully nuke this obsolete piece of software technology once and for all, that no one should be using by now! If there are users that do not wish to embrace the change to a safer web browser software, Microsoft will allow users to opt-out and even uninstall any of the updates that they don’t like. Also users that have declined previous installation of IE8 and IE9 through Windows Update will not receive automatic updates. Source Windows Team Blog All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.