How to organize conversations

Turn conversation view on and off From the View tab, click Conversations, and in the sub-menu click on or off.

Expand/collapse conversations From the View tab, click Expand/collapse, and in the sub-menu click Expand or Collapse.

How to add and remove multiple email accounts

From Mail inbox, click the Accounts tab, then click Email and complete the form, click Next, and Finish. Notice that you can also click Properties to change all the necessary email account settings.

Tip: If you are trying add a Gmail account, you may need to enable IMAP for the account, for more help check out Gmail Help. To remove an email account, select the account you like to remove, right-click select Remove Account, and click Yes. If you add another email account just click Add another email account.

How to add an event right from your inbox

First you need to have Calendar pane on, if you don’t, just go to the View tab, and click Calendar pane. Now adding a new event is pretty simple you only need to type your note in at the bottom-right of the Calendar pane, then if you need to add more details, double-click the event.


How to set email account color

When you set up multiple email accounts it can get confusing to make it easy on the eye, you can set the color of each email account that appears in left side pane. Right-click the email account select Set color and choose the color you like.

How to add a new folder to an account

To add a new folder to your email account, right-click the email account, select New folder…, type the name of the new folder, and click OK.

Learn how to use basic features of Windows Live Mail 2011 [Part2] How to install and configure Windows Live Mail 2011

To be continued in part 2… All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.