The installation is pretty darn easy just visit, download and run the MetroTwitSetup.exe, and the ClickOnce installer will take care of the rest; it will download and install Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 — which is required, if you don’t already have in your Windows system– and it will also download all the latest necessary files to install this application. Once the installation is completed, MetroTwit will automatically start, the default customization is great enough but you also have the choice to modify settings and the user interface layout (theme and accents, columns, tweet options, and more) easily from the Settings page to make this Windows native Twitter client really blend in your system. Some of the MetroTwit features includes:

Quickly tweet images with drag and drop support (twitpic and yfog are the services supported). URL shortening and previews, many services are supported like or and many more, but not the Twitter shortener service. HTTPS (SSL) secure connection. Windows 7 taskbar integration. Infinite scrolling. Auto complete for usernames & hashtags. Twitter trends. Desktop sound and notifications. Re-sizable and reorderable columns. Choose from different themes and accents. Flawless high DPI support. Tweet breadcrumbs.

More MetroTwit user interface screenshots: MetroTwit setting’s page

  MetroTwit Dark theme

  Sample of theme accent

Note that MetroTwit still in the beta stages, so bugs and crashes are expected, and not all the features are yet completed. In the lab test, this Twitter client seems stable enough to give it a try, the only issue I have found was in the memory usage, which in my opinion was a little high, other than that it works pretty well. Source MetroTwit website All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.