The reports also mentions that Microsoft plans to ship the watch just in time for the holiday season ahead of the Apple Watch release, which will ship on early 2015. Unlike the Apple Watch the Microsoft’s fitness band will focus primarily on fitness activities, but it’ll still feature smartwatch oriented functionality. Other features will include pedometer, calorie burned, and several other health features thanks to all the sensors the watch will pack. SEE ALSO: Microsoft’s smartwatch reportedly to go on sale this summer with iOS and Android support What’s going to separate the Microsoft’s fitness wearable with the competition is the support for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. And the company is already working on a cross-platform app to make those sensors work on every platform possible.

Previous information suggests the smartwatch will work on a 1.5-inch display with a wristband. It’s yet unclear what the name will be and what will the price be. But if the rumors are true we will find out soon. Source Forbes All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.