The console also includes support for HDR sets. As expected, the Xbox One S is 40 percent smaller, and it includes a base to stand it vertically to better use the space on your media center or office. It’s now confirmed that Microsoft has finally built the power supply inside the console, so no more power brick laying around piling dust. The console expands the storage capacity to 2TB to keep your game library growing before you have to buy an external hard drive. In addition, the console now includes a USB port in the front and IR Blast sensor. The Xbox One S also drops the Kinect port. Now moving forward, the company will offer a USB adapter to connect the camera into the new console. A new white controller will be bundled with the slim version of the console, which features new grips, larger range, and Bluetooth. The Microsoft Xbox One S will cost $299, and it will be available in August. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.