This week, during Microsoft Convergence, Chris Capossela, chief of marketing at Microsoft, said that the company is working in a new name and brand. He said that Internet Explorer will continue to ship in Windows 10, but it’s only for compatibility reasons and now there is Project Spartan, but it’s just the codename. Chris continued saying, “we’re now researching what the new brand, or the new name, for our browser should be in Windows 10”. Microsoft is aiming Project Spartan as the primary web browser for Windows 10 users to access the internet. Throughout the years, the company has tirelessly invested on marketing campaigns to wash away the negativity image of Internet Explorer, but none of the worked. Furthermore, Capossela also shared some details of how powerful using the Microsoft brand, instead of Windows or Internet Explorer, and revealed some research data. If the company sticks the Microsoft brand in front of Project Spartan secret name, it increases the appeal to some Google Chrome users in the UK.

We can now clearly see that Microsoft is working and looking for a suitable name for its upcoming web browser. The company promise to include it in the next build of Windows 10 for testing, but more importantly, it’s looking for a brand that will finally help to ditch the Internet Explorer bad image. While it is still unknown the name the company will use for its new web browser, codenamed Project Spartan, we now know it will have the “Microsoft” name in front of it. Source The Verge All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.