Obviously, the news didn’t sit well among OneDrive users to the point that at the OneDrive feedback site, a petition requesting Microsoft “Give us back our storage” received over 70,000 votes by the community, and today, Microsoft didn’t have other choice, but to apologize and respond accordingly. “We’ve heard clearly from our Windows and OneDrive fans about the frustration and disappointment we have caused. We realize the announcement came across as blaming customers for using our product. For this, we are truly sorry and would like to apologize to the community.” Microsoft officials said. Although, the company apologized to users, the sad news is that Microsoft is not changing its new business model for OneDrive, but there is some good news. Existing customers using the free storage tier will get to keep their 15GB and the 15GB bonus for camera roll, which makes up a total of 30GB of free storage. However, there is a caveat, this won’t be an automatic thing, those customers interested will have to opt-in to keep their free OneDrive storage. The problem with this approach is that people who don’t become aware of the change will eventually lose most of their storage, and their accounts will get reduced to 5GB. For customers who received unlimited OneDrive cloud storage through an Office 365 subscription, the available space will revert to 1TB, but these customers will be able to keep their storage for a “at least 12 months.” Microsoft also says that “for anyone unhappy with the decision to not offer unlimited storage, we will offer a full refund.”

How to keep your free storage in OneDrive

Remember that you have time from now until the end of January 2016 to opt-in and keep your 15GB + 15GB of free camera roll storage. If you want to keep your free storage, head over to this Microsoft page and click the “Keep your free storage” button. Share the news so more people can keep their free storage! Source OneDrive UserVoice All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.