This is the story, earlier attempts to bypass Microsoft’s activation technology involved the use of third-party Key Management Services (KMS) servers that would let the activation for up to 180 days, which means that a re-activation was necessary every six months. This simplified the use of Windows 8 for free temporarily, however now it is a bit easier.  As you know Windows Media Center is not included anymore with any version of the Windows 8. This is a piece of software that you need to purchase separately, but Microsoft trying to make good for those users that has been using MCE for a long time, started giving away a Media Center upgrade to Windows 8 Pro users, promotion that ends in January 31st, 2013. Now pirates figured out that they can use this product key to permanently activate a copy of Windows 8 that was previously temporarily activated through the KMS technique. All of this means that a downloaded pirate copy of Windows 8 and temporarily activated can be fully unlocked thanks to a flaw upgrading to the Windows Media Center. Many sites, like The Verge, have already reported that the method works and Microsoft has yet to comment in this workaround or when a fix for this flaw will be released. Source The Verge All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.