The new Continuum experience will be very useful for those occasions where you’re on the road and a PC isn’t nearby. In these cases, you’ll be able to connect your phone to a larger screen and use apps, such as Word, Excel and Outlook in full screen just like they look on your desktop. Continuum for phones will also offer a great multitasking experience. Imagine you’re on vacation and you connect your phone to the TV in the hotel room and use the dual-screen capability to play a video for the kids while you catch up on some of your emails in the handset without interactions. Microsoft is also aiming the new Continuum feature for mobile countries, where people have easier access to a phone than a PC, because of its price.

It’s all possible thanks to Windows 10 that shares common technology between the PC, Xbox, and the phone. This makes it possible to connect a keyboard, mouse, and external display to the phone. Also, because of Microsoft’s new universal app model, developers can write apps to scale from a phone to a large screen in the PC. Now here is the catch: the new Continuum for phone in Windows 10 requires new hardware, which will be built into devices coming later on, after Microsoft launches Windows 10 for desktops later this summer. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.