According to WPCentral, on an email from Microsoft officials states that “Public materials will be available on Blogging Windows and Microsoft News Center following the event. However, there will be no live stream of the keynote.” The reason for the software maker decision not to stream the event live still unknown. Microsoft is known to let the world watch live these kind of events, the company streamed live the changes coming to Windows 8.1, Surface Pro 3 launch, and others. Perhaps the company doesn’t want too much hype on a particular event focus on enterprise customers. Nevertheless, Windows Technical Preview still in the pipeline that will release at the end of September. So for everyone that were expecting to watch the live stream event of Windows, once again it won’t be happening. Do you agree with Microsoft decision not to stream the “what’s next for Windows” event? Source WPCentral All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.