Now in preparation for the big day, the software giant is making available a Windows 8.1 Preview update that points to reduce errors and other issues while upgrading to Windows 8.1 final. Keep in mind that installing the update is not the only thing you have to do for a smooth transition to the new operating system. There are many other things you should know, but don’t worry I got you covered: How to update to Windows 8.1 final from any OS version covering all the basics. This isn’t an uncommon practise, if you remember Microsoft released an update in the past for Windows 8 users to enable them to install the preview version of 8.1. The update was filed as KB2880312 and the company describes it as follows: Interesting enough the Windows update only applies to the Preview and not to users using the original release of Windows 8. So, if you’re already running the preview, you only need to be aware that exists, this as pretty much all updates are deliver and install automatically. Via WindowsObserver All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.