As you may now know Microsoft has been working hard to come up with a new Web browser that can be a real player in the browser arena, so in the new Internet Explorer 9 you can expect a lot of improvements in hardware acceleration, great support for HTML5 and other standards, a brand new user interface which also is really minimal, making the website the center of attention and not the browser, better security features, and additionally greater built-in privacy settings. This latest Release Candidate brings a lot of improvement in TAB functionalities, some of them includes: You now are going to able to close tabs without making them active, new square visual element, and the ability to move the tab bar elements for better customization. Also there is improvement to Pinned Sites functionality. And additionally a new feature that enable users to stop and control advertisers tracking which will make users surfing the internet a better experience. If would like to learn more about IE9 RC visit the Microsoft News Center. In this IE9 RC release there are also a lot of bug fixes and minor annoying glitches from the Beta and developer previews. Now with this better, improved, and more stable version of IE9 you can now get a glimpse of what Microsoft intentions are to go after its rivals Google Chrome and Firefox.

Useful Links

Download IE9 RC for x86 systems Download IE9 RC for x64 systems Past reviews about IE9 here and here

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