According to Reuters, Microsoft is not only going to discuss the future Windows (internally known as “Threshold” and externally known by us as “Windows 9”), but it will also reveal a new brand for its software and it could be either a totally new name or as you may be thinking… just plain and simple “Windows”. The reports also states that the new name is “symbolic of a new direction and style for Microsoft”, moving away from “an aggressive focus on Windows and PCs, the hallmark of previous Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer”. The new focus by the new boss, Satya Nadella, is on selling services across all platforms. Another problem is Windows 8, which with the vision of a new modern style interface, hurt the company more than it helped, and changing the name will help to get away from the bad vibe. However Microsoft is making a lot of significant changes in Windows 9 with the hope to win back customers including, and more importantly, business users. Recent leaks of the “Windows Technical Preview” show some of these new changes. For example, we’ll see a new Start menu making an appearance, windowed modern apps, Notification Center, virtual desktops, other improvements in the desktop and a lot more. We’re also expecting Microsoft to announce when we’re finally getting the preview to test. Previously we heard this was going to happen during 1-hour briefing on September 30th, but because this is an event focus on showing enterprises the new changes, Redmond may wait a bit longer to release the Windows 9 preview for everyone to test. SEE ALSO: How to safely test drive Windows 9 Technical Preview Don’t forget to stop by on September 30th, as I will be covering everything on the Microsoft’s event, as the company chose not to stream the briefing. In the meantime, check my complete coverage on everything we know about Windows 9 Technical Preview. Source Reuters All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.