Although you can make Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or any other browser the default, Microsoft still forces you to use Microsoft Edge to open certain links, such as those from Windows Search, News, Widgets dashboard, and many other places. The Brave browser, Mozilla, and the EdgeDeflector tool managed to get around this restriction. However, Microsoft quickly responded, saying that workarounds that manipulate system features are improper and they will get blocked. And soon after the response, the company released the update KB5008215 for Windows 11 that stops third-party tools and browsers from trying to redirect “microsoft-edge” links. However, a new tool called MSEdgeRedirect now gets around the blocks and allows you to redirect links that invoke the “microsoft-edge” protocol to open with the browser you established as the default. The only caveat is that the tool needs to be constantly running in the background to work since the new system update makes it harder to get around the block. Also, when you download the tool, the system will try to block it because it thinks the file is malicious. While it gets the redirect done correctly in most cases, it’s up to you if you want to try it. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.