Microsoft isn’t trying to get you use Internet Explorer on every device either, though they might have already thought about it, rather it’s a new service that will make it a lot easier for developers to create products that work on IE and test them regardless the platform they are using.

This new service not only works with the latest Technical Preview of Windows 10, but developers running Windows 7 will also be able to test their web designs using RemoteIE without having to install a new operating system or create a virtual machine. The same goes for those users on Apple and Android’s operating systems as they can use their iPads or Android tablets run the latest version of Internet Explorer. It’s all good but there are a few limits: For example, the version of the browser doesn’t run as smooth as the native version, each session using RemoteIE has a limit of 60 minutes; if the session idles for 10 minutes, you’ll be automatically logged out to save server resources. Source Microsoft All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info.